Global discipleship for a changing world

Our mission is to enable effective collaborations between mission movements and leaders
– working together globally to share faith and change lives.

There are many opportunities for trusts, foundations and philanthropists to invest in the work of Faith2Share and we are very grateful for their continued engagement and support.

1. Global Leadership Programme

We increase the effectiveness of mission leaders in two main ways: face-to-face and remotely. Our face-to-face work includes larger gatherings, small groups and individual consulting, mentoring and accompaniment. Our ongoing, remote support consolidates and extends our face-to-face work and it is extremely cost-effective since it involves no travel costs and is offered "as and when" it is most needed by the leader in question.

We hold a global consultation of Faith2Share network leaders every 18 months or so for an invaluable week of training, networking and mentoring. Many of our network leaders have few if any other opportunities for personal development and yet they lead significant and exciting mission movements.

2. Whole-Life Discipleship Training

In 2010 Faith2Share member agency leaders identified discipleship as the key area in which they needed support. Faith2Share staff then developed a training course which we have since used in many countries and which continues to be in great demand. The Whole-Life Discipleship Course, which helps people to follow Jesus Christ in every area of their lives, can subsequently be used by delegates with those in their own sphere of influence. Whole-life discipleship training is offered as a leadership tool to ordained and lay, junior and experienced ministers alike. The programme is tailored to the requirements of the delegates in question, equipping participants in areas such as:

  • The family, marriage and parenting
  • The workplace and financial management
  • The community, including care for children, the poor, and the elderly. Politics and inter-religious dialogue and communication.

Global Leadership Consultation

Our next Global Leadership Consultation will be held between 29 March and 5 April 2019 in Nairobi, Kenya, and we are seeking funding to enable mission leaders from the global south to cover their travel costs and receive much-needed input and encouragement.

Whole-Life Discipleship in North India

Following a very successful whole-life discipleship consultation in July 2017 for leaders with the (united) Church of North India (CNI), Faith2Share has been invited to follow up with a consultation for twelve dioceses in November 2018 with a further consultation for the twelve remaining dioceses scheduled for 2019. Church of North India has a total membership of some 1,250,000 so the potential impact of this training programme is immense and CNI will be empowered to run the programme independently of Faith2Share, hence avoiding dependency and achieving more impact for the charity’s investment of resources. The CNI consultations will focus on marginalised members of society, bringing dignity and empowerment.

Would you like to discuss our projects or programmes? Please contact us at [email protected] to explore funding opportunities.

Alternatively, you can make a donation securely and easily via NowDonate.

Leadership development is at the heart of Christian mission. Leaders emerge from the inner and outward workings of any successful organisation or movement. The missionary movement is no exception. Development of potential new leaders has been the goal and expression of the Christian mission from its inception.

Dr Roger E Hedlund, Forward in Leadership and Mission, Ed. Mark Laing, 2004.