Global discipleship for a changing world

Isa-e Church

About Isa-e Church Bangladesh

Mathew 28:19–20, "you, therefore, must go out, making disciples of all nations, and baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all the commandments which I have given you"

Isa-e Church Bangladesh is a family of churches with a rich, warm heritage in the Reformation doctrines of grace. It was established by converts to Christianity with a Muslim background. We formed this church group as a platform for Muslim background believers to practice Christianity in a way that relates to their cultural heritages.

"To demonstrate Christian faith in action in the marketplace, represent Jesus Christ in and through our business ventures and commend Him to others through our example".


    • Seek to contribute to the wealth and well being of the Mission. We have a particular concern to work for the welfare of the Pastors / Missionaries.
    • Seek to build relationship with people based on respect, justice and mercy.
    • Seek to make a profit not as an end in itself but as a means of meeting our stated aims and to be self-supporting.
    • To help the believers practically to be built up a Disciples of Christ.
    • To be model Christianity in the marketplace.


Isa-e Church Bangladesh’s first and foremost missions are:

To evangelize and plant Jamats (churches) among the majority people of Bangladesh as Jesus called all believers to do (Matt 28:18-20).

    • To be people demonstrating Christ in our lives, showing divine love, and mercy towards others.
    • To live in a good moral and social way, thus helping to make peace and harmony in our society.
    • To establish our Isa-e Community all over the country.
    • To help all people to find the right way so that they may not perish but instead get everlasting life.

Many of Isa-e believers have been living scattered all over the country since the time of our liberation war, almost without pastoral care or Christian fellowship. This has been due to a lack of discipline after they came to faith. One of our main priorities is to inspire them, so that they may congregate for worship and have good fellowship with the Main Line Churches (Hebrew 10:25).

Our Activities

    • Evangelism
    • Praise and Prayer Bulletined
    • Bible Correspondence Course
    • Isa-e Theological Institute (ITI)
    • Literatures Publication Program:
    • Youth Camp
    • New Believers Seminar
    • Pre-School Programme
    • Rural Doctor Programme
    • Sunday School Camp
    • IJB Creative Media
    • Spiritual gathering
    • Pastor Care Training